Rhodes Memorial Hall Bookings

Hire and Booking arrangements.

There are two rooms, the Main Hall and the Reading Room (the smaller of the two), which may be hired separately or together for larger functions.

There is a modern fitted kitchen and a small car park at the rear of the building. 70 people can easily be accommodated.

If you are catering for a party at home, there is a very reasonable hire service of china, cutlery, glasses and other kitchen equipment.

From 1/1/20

Accredited Local Societies & Charities:
Reading Room £5 per hour
Main Hall £7 per hour

Other Regular Users:-
Reading Room £6.00 per hour
Main Hall £8.00 per hour

Other Users:-
Reading Room – £10 per hour
Hall – £15 per hour

These charges are reviewed annually with effect from 1st January in each year.

All users will be charged for an extra half an hour in addition to times booked, to allow for setting up and clearing away.

Hall users are reminded that they are expected to remove all rubbish from the hall and vacuum the carpet before leaving.

Example charges for hiring cutlery, crockery etc for events outside the hall :-
Cutlery – 2p per item, most plates etc – 10p per item,
aluminium framed tables (for inside use only) – £2.50 (small) £5.00 (large).
There will be a charge of up to £2 per item for breakages.

For further information and to book the hall please contact
Georgina Oldham on 01242 82042

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